Our Bouquet of the Day is a Designer’s Choice arrangement that allows our talented Florists to choose the best assortment of flowers from our large selection to create your one of a kind bouquet! Our flower options are always changing with the seasons and this allows your florist to pick the freshest, most impressive and unique blooms that inspire their creativity on any given day!
We always strive to support local farmers and buy as many flowers and foliages from our local growers to ensure your bouquet will have Northwest elements. Portland is surrounded by incredible farmland that produces beautiful flowers year round including spring peonies, freesia, tulips and lilac. In summer we are spoiled with a massive assortment of dahlias, zinnias, crocosmia, hydrangea, sunflowers, and so much more! In winter we rely on beautiful NW evergreens including juniper, pine, fir, and cedar. The Portland area is also home to several prominent lily growers that provide us with gorgeous flowers year round!
Our Bouquet of the Day is available daily for local Portland delivery and is guaranteed fresh! If you have some specific likes/dislikes make sure and mention them in the Special Instructions and we will do our best to accommodate your requests! And if you need more assistance please give us a call at (503)288-5537 and one of our talented floral designers will help you choose the flowers that are right for your event or special occasion!